Dated March 2, 1887. The Underground Railway Construction Company was organized for the purpose of building Subway, Elevated or Surface Railways in the city of New York. It had the contract to construct the subway railways of the New York District Railway. The Broadway division to be constructed from the Bowling Green then up Broadway to Union Square, to its junction with the Fourteenth Street division, up Broadway to Madison Square, to the junction of its east and west divisions, and then by way of Madison Avenue, to and under the Harlem River, to a junction with the main lines of railway which enter New York from the north and east. The Fourteenth Street and Twenty-Third Street divisions to commence at the west side of Ninth Avenue, and the east side of Second Avenue, respectively, then running to the junction at Union and Madison Squares. The western division to commence at Madison Square, and follow the line of Broadway to Fifty-ninth street at Eighth Avenue, about thirteen miles in all. It also proposed to construct the railways of the New York Under ground Railway Company and the Broadway Underground Connecting Rail way Company. I have expanded the size of the scan so you can see the edges of the document. Please visit my store to view other stock certificates and bonds.