This is a quite nice, original stock certificate No 102 from the Gatling Ordnance Company. Dated 13th Day of November, 1891. August 11, 1833 – July 21, 1899, nicknamed. , was an American lawyer, writer, and. Golden Age of Free Thought. Who campaigned in defense of. He was also an important investor in many companies. I have a number of other Ingersoll related stock certificates which I will eventually list. The certificate measures 11″ x 7 3/8″ Original signatures by the Secretary and President at bottom edge. Certificate has 2 original vertical folds from mailing. These are not perfectly defined as there is a thin additional crease next to each of them. There is an additional vertical crease along right edge. Upper left corner has 4 diagonal crease with some yellowing of paper to the edge. A very slight amount of discoloration along upper edge and upper right corner. On back side is seen some light yellowing along edges. There is the Red Gatling Ordnance Company Incorporated June 1889 West Virginia embossed seal lower left corner. A terrific addition to any collection!