Beautiful mining stock issued at Kingman in 1900. Large size certificate with beautiful colored flag and shield. Although issued in Arizona, This company was listed by the Nevada secretary of state in 1898 and operated at Rioville, Nevada. Rioville was founded by Mormons and Daniel Bonelli. Now under Lake Mead in Clark County, Nevada near Las Vegas. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Rioville, Nevada (first known as Junction City) was a settlement founded by Latter-day Saints. In what they thought was Utah Territory. In 1869, now under Lake Mead. And within Clark County, Nevada. Junction City, was located on the Colorado River. Above its confluence with the Virgin River. (also known as the Rio Virgin). After its new owner Daniel Bonelli. After being deserted by its first Mormon settlers in 1871, new settlers came in the 1880s, and renamed the town Rioville. Originally Stone’s Ferry was a Colorado River crossing at the mouth of the Virgin River between the Virgin River and Muddy River. Settlements of the Mormons in Pah-Ute County, Arizona. And the rest of Arizona Territory. By a road southward to the mines at Chloride. And to the Hardyville. It was informal, using boats that were left there for that necessity up until after the time Brigham Young. Visited the Muddy and Virgin River settlements in 1870. Stone’s Ferry was also a landing for the barges of Captain L. Wilburn who poled and sailed his barges up river to bring down salt from the Mormon’s Virgin River valley salt mines for the mills of El Dorado Canyon. The salt was used to process their silver ore. When the Mormon colonists voted to abandon their settlements in the Muddy and Virgin valleys in 1870, Daniel Bonelli. Was the only one who voted no, and remained. He moved his family, acquired the ferry boat and established a commercial ferry boat service at Stone’s Ferry, at first located 6 miles down river from the mouth of the Virgin. The ferry was subsequently moved up river to a point 2 miles below the Virgin River mouth, opposite the mouth of Detrital Wash. In 1876 Bonelli moved the ferry and his family up river to the near the old settlement of Junction City. Just east of the mouth of the Virgin River and renamed the ferry Bonelli’s Ferry. Beautiful certificate in extra fine condition and uncanceled. One fold line down the center.