B2045, China 6% Unification Bond Type C, 5000 Dollars (Highest Value) 1936. Fine to Very Fine condition. Please refer the picture, circulated. Issued by government of Republic of China in 1936. This is the Type C bond, the face value is 5000 China Dollars. With the interest rate of 6%. The 5,000 Dollar is the highest value. This bond is very large. It is folded into two halves. The Unification Bond of China was issued by Chinese government in Feb 1936. It was issued to replace the previous bonds (loans) of R. That more than 30 different bonds was replaced by the Unification bond of China in 1936. The total issuing amount is 146,000,000 China Silver Dollar. The interest rate is 6% annual. And each half year pay 3% interest. The unification bonds have five different types. (1) Type A: duration is 12 years, total issuing is 50,000,000 China silver Dollars. (2) Type B: duration is 15 years, total issuing is 150,000,000 China silver Dollars. (3) Type C: duration is 18 years, total issuing is 350,000,000 China silver Dollars. (4) Type D: duration is 21 years, total issuing is 550,000,000 China silver Dollars. (5) Type E: duration is 24 years, total issuing is 260,000,000 China silver Dollars. Each type has 4 different face value. That is 10 Dollars, 100 Dollars, 1000 Dollars and 5000 Dollars. So unification bond has 20 different types. All Goods are 100% guaranteed genuine. We don’t sell any fake items.