China 1913 Lung Tsing U Hai Railway Super Petchili 20 Sterling Coupons Bond Loan

China 1913 Lung Tsing U Hai Railway Super Petchili 20 Sterling Coupons Bond Loan
China 1913 Lung Tsing U Hai Railway Super Petchili 20 Sterling Coupons Bond Loan
China 1913 Lung Tsing U Hai Railway Super Petchili 20 Sterling Coupons Bond Loan

China 1913 Lung Tsing U Hai Railway Super Petchili 20 Sterling Coupons Bond Loan
GOVERNMENT OF THE CHINESE REPUBLIC. LUNG – TSING – U – HAI RAILWAY. Nominal : 20 Sterling Gold. May change (more than one bond on a stock). THIS ITEM IS LISTED FOR COLLECTION PURPOSES.
China 1913 Lung Tsing U Hai Railway Super Petchili 20 Sterling Coupons Bond Loan