This amazing China govt guaranteed gold backed uncancelled bond 1899 series, the last year of the 19th century. This bond is from Imperial China. The Qing Dynasty from 1644 to 1912. The last Imperial Dynasty. Serial number may vary. China’s industrial revolution testifies to the times of great socio-political changes that was about to happen. It is this era that supplied the backdrop to the blockbuster 1987 movie The Last Emperor. And as per Kuhlmann, only 1725 were in circulation as of 1983. Current figures of this series to this day are unknown, but like any rare gem, this bond is very rare. And this imperial bond is sill redeemable. Basel 5 meetings in Basel Switzerland. To pay back bondholders as they did in 1987 with UK bondholders in order to receive financial aid from the UK govt. For more details on. The redemption value is staggering not only from the unpaid compound interests but also by the value of gold that has grown massively over 122 years. But as a collection piece for the discerning collector. This amazing find would be a cornerstone of choice for any who seek exclusivity and rarity. I will be more than happy to answer any enquiries you might have concerning this bond from my private collection. I can also answer any questions in French as well. For collection or redemption purposes you can’t lose.