Stock certificate issued for 500 shares and uncancelled. The company announced in 1995 that they had discovered an enormous gold deposit at Busang, Indonesia of up to 200 million ounces. The Busang discovery made the Bre-X team including Mike de Guzman, the mining geologist a rock star in the mining world. When others tried to confirm the deposit, they found nothing. The company had partnered with Freeport McMoran Copper and Gold Company, which soon discovered that they had been duped. They called de Guzman to return immediately to Indonesia. Within days, Mike de Guzman threw himself out of a helicopter over the jungle. His body wasn’t found until four days later after being eaten by wild boars. There is speculation to this day that Mike de Guzman faked his own death as no DNA test was ever done on the remains. How did Bre-X do it? Their crushed core samples were salted with gold to create the most elaborate fraud in the history of mining. Any certificate from Bre-X is rare, but this one is particularly so as it’s issued for 10,000 shares. Their is some crinkling up by the top left corner, otherwise fine. View closeup for condition.