Aurora Tunnel & Mining Stock, Bodie, California. # 915 for 10 shares issued to Crandall. Signed by vice president AJ Ralston and sec. Printed by Britton, Rey, & Co. Two oval assessment stamps on reverse. Another extremely fine cert. From the Pacific Coast Annual Mining Review and Stock Ledger 1878, p. 171-2, They have +pushed it forward nearly a thousand feet towards its objective point. In the construction of this tunnel they had a double purpose – having in view the opening of a passage-way for draining and working the tier of veins already taken up in the ridge between Bodie Bluff and Silver Hill, and the discovery and locating of any blind lodes that the tunnel might intersect in its course. The surface claim taken up is 3,000 feet in length, extending clear across the mineral-bearing belt that here traverses the country. The tunnel enters the hill from the east, passing through the “Goodshaw, ” “South Standard, ” and such other parallel claims as lie in its path. For aiding ventilation, an air-shaft has been opened from the surface to the tunnel level, and 500 feet in from its mouth a prospecting winze has been sunk to a depth of 100 feet. Several blind veins have already been intersected by the tunnel, all of which have been duly secured by the Company, who will in good time proceed to explore such other favorable mineral implications as this work has partially laid open. Among the lodes cut by the tunnel is one situated 765 feet from its entrance. The Aurora Tunnel is also mentioned in Jos. Wasson’s 1878 “Bodie & Esmeralda: “This is now an important enterprise, more of the nature of an extensive cross-cut under the surface, for the purpose of discovering and locating blind lodes pertaining to the backbone between Bodie Bluff and Silver Hill. The claim is 3,000 feet in length, and extends across the entire series of lodes in the district. It has entered the ridge from the east side near 1,000 feet; an air shaft is cut through from above, and at 500 feet from the mouth a winze 100 feet deep is sunk. Several locations of vein matter have been made, and some very auspicious indications noted for further exploration. At 765 feet from the mouth, 15 feet of vein matter-a solid character, and of sufficient richness to justify a thorough system of development-is located. Enough is already demonstrated to characterize the Aurora tunnel as a leading and permanent enterprise.