Dated 1886 in ink. A raised seal for the company appears at bottom indicating that it was incorporated in 1881 at Camden, New Jersey (hence the Jersey certificate). “Pocomoke Bay” must have been an earlier name for Pocomoke Sound (part of Chesapeake Bay), located in Maryland and Virginia around Somerset County, Worcester County, and Accomack County. Signatures of Thomas White and W. The surname White is prevalent in all those counties named above, I believe, maybe even into Northampton Co. This doesn’t appear to be the Pocomoke Sound Oyster Co. With Onancock and Deep Creek (Accomack Co) locations on its oyster cans. It may, or may not, be a forerunner, or the same company listed as the Pocomoke Oyster Co. Seen in a record with date of September 6, 1916 and associated with Cape Charles in Northampton Co. That last company is probably also the one listed as renting oyster grounds, in September 1916 and May 1917, in old Virginia Commission on Fisheries reports of 1917 and 1918, respectively. The bearer’s name on the certificate seems to be Clinton I. The photos were taken without a flash. Apologies for any glare from overhead light(s). Please judge condition for yourself from the photos provided. If you need any others, please ask.